3 years ago I took this photo of the East Grain Mill complex.
Kategorie: scenery
A few details moved in
I recently created some details for the layout scenes that I stumbled across while browsing the net.A yard speaker, that was probably used for communication between train crew and yard master before CB radio was established in locomotives. As my era is settled in early 80ies I found it plausible to add them to the...
Working on the bridge scene – Part 3
Not much progress on the bridge scene, but a minor step to complete the look of the bridge itself. I added two telephone crossarm bracing to the bridge to simulate the continuity of the line along the bridge itself. In a first try, I added a double pole mast on either side of the hillside,...
Working on the bridge scene – Part 2
Work on the bridge scene continued, and I could close the gap in the track. After the stream was finished, I started to work on some trees for the background behind the bridge. I had to finish this part prior to gluing the bridge in place, otherwise it would be hard to reach. Before I...
Working on the bridge scene
Simulating water Have you ever wondered about how to create a realistic looking water scene, like a medium-sized stream… … I might have a how-to for you. We start off modeling a smooth river base. I have a plywood sheet as a base and smoothed it out with plaster putty. Little sanding to get an...