
Last week I resumed work on the part of my layout I call the “Mine Section” – because there are two coal mines located. Within the week I spent some hours gluing down some foam board and shaping the rough landscape.Finally I filled the larger gaps with lightweight putty. Here are some “proof of work”...

Back in action

Last time I did some work on the Cleveland & Eastern dates back to late 2017 as I prepared the Elizabeth Oaks section for our local bi-anual train show. 1 and a half years …. maybe a bit longer … later the Cleveland & Eastern is still here. I freed some hours last sunday and...


As the big convention shop in October is getting closer, work increases on the Cleveland & Easter layout. The past days I started to construct a movable foundation for the layout segments. They need to be solid and easy to assemble once at the show. Valance and backdrop will be made of cardboard, I will...

Modifications II

On my previous post about the ongoing modifications on the Cleveland & Eastern I talked about the ideas and expectations I have on the alteration of the layout. Well, a few weeks later I can summarize the modification as success ! We ran our first Operation Session mid January with the new layout and it...


After running operation sessions for a while and placing load on the Elizabeth Oaks Yard it turned out that this yard is not frequented as intentionally planed. The C&E has currently a maximum trafficload of 55 cars on all spots. Dividing the cars up to the two yards – Elizabeth Oaks an Sarverville – reveals...

Engine Service Area Part 1

After I finished the engine shed, it is now time to finish off the rest of the service area scene at Elizabeth Oaks. With a tweak in the general track arrangement I was able to have one dedicated track for fuel/sand loads and for caboose storage behind the two main engine tracks. Now I had...

Engine Shed for Elizabeth Oaks

Lately I was busy to get a long term project done. Elizabeth Oaks Yard is a place on my layout where changes in track configuration occurred often in the past four years. Along with the rearrangement of the tracks, I was shuffling around the right spot for an engine shed. Now with the most recent...

Reworking an old section

I started scenic works on the westend section of Elizabeth Oaks nearly 3 years ago. I handled this section always as a test environment for some basic skills and techniques like weathering and ballasting the track. While scenic work proceeded eastbound I felt more uncomfortable with the first section. So I stepped up the plate...

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